I came to Pamela very broken emotionally and she helped me shift that thinking, which has had such a ripple effect throughout my life.
She made me ready to meet my husband when he came along and now I have a son and am truly thriving in a way I never imagined for myself.
— Former Client
"I spent the last 15 years in and out of therapy and while that work enabled me to function with my anxiety disorder, I didn't realize until
I started working with Pamela that I had only scraped the surface. Instead of pushing aside the negative thinking, she taught me to turn towards
it, bringing me to a level of consciousness I had never achieved. As opposed to other forms of therapy that are solely mental, Pamela also teaches
the mind-body connection which has guided me to get in touch on level I never thought possible.
— Former Client

If you have the opportunity to work Pamela Tinkham, you should seize it. Her humanity and insight are profound.
Don't be fooled by her seemingly light touch. Hers is a gentle and deeply healing soul. Because of this, she disarms
and penetrates to the core incredibly quickly. I was floored by the speed and impact of the therapeutic connection
she established with me. Before I engaged with Pamela, I was unrecognizable to people who knew me best. A year and
a bit later I fully reinhabited myself. I recommend her to you without qualification, reservation, or hesitation.
I've never met or worked with anyone like her. She is one special trauma healer. Don't miss out on her gift. — Former Client
Healing Trauma from the Inside Out: Practices from the East and West
by Pamela Tinkham
A practical "How-To" guide geared towards the individual soul seeker and inquirer of inner knowledge of the body-mind connection.
Trauma can range from having emotional upset to having major abuse, a physical accident, a surgery or any other upsetting event. Traumas are
stored in the body and may not be remembered in the mind until attention and awareness are brought to them with the intention of healing. Anything
that compromises your nervous system can be considered trauma.
I wrote this book based on my own traumas and the path I took toward their resolution. Sometimes our deepest traumas can be our greatest openings
if we are lucky enough to have lived through them.
Available in paperback and/or Kindle on Amazon.
Anxiety is a normal part of life. People with anxiety disorders frequently have intense,
excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Anxiety disorders can
involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that
can reach a peak within minutes. [ more ]
EMDR is a structured therapy that encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma
memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation, which is associated with
a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the traumatic memory. [ more ]
Couples Therapy involves building concrete skills to foster communication and ensure disagreements are solved in healthy ways.
Couples will learn to successfully work out misunderstandings, reduce conflict, and rediscover ways to bond, communicate, and generally find common ground.
[ more ]